320 theme collections from Rainglow

Rainglow published a great collection of editor themes, available for vim, Atom, sublime, XCode, etc. Darkside Theme sample

December 8, 2018 · 1 min · anvyst

Vim: statusline and git customizations

Working with lots of projects at the same time in qobo.biz, I started to get confused on which branch I’m currently working. Going back to the terminal, to check the diffs and commits, became a time waste in my daily routine, so I took a break during lunch, to get my vim plugins an upgrade. The catch of the day is the following: Vim-Airline Vim-Airline is a powerful status/tabline facelift of a default statusline with lots of customizations, and useful information on the files you work with....

November 23, 2016 · 2 min · anvyst

Basically, and obviously it's about me

Recent post from Wynn made me cry, because I’ve realized that I haven’t been updating some of the API documentations for quiet some time! Whether I'm working on [docs](http://developer.github.com/), [guides](http://developer.github.com/guides/), or [books](http://wynnnetherland.com/books), Vim is my jam. In order to curb my use of these weasel words, I added some [formatting rules](https://github.com/pengwynn/dotfiles/commit/12159ea233180344be4e25d57056ccd37061a153) to my[dotfiles](https://github.com/pengwynn/dotfiles). > > Forked, added. Doc files are sparkling with these parasite words.

January 27, 2014 · 1 min · anvyst