Design Principles of Vue 3.0 by Evan You - VueConfTO 2019

Evan You explains the principles behind the changes in Vue 3.0 at VueConf Toronto 2019 — Read on

December 14, 2019 · 1 min · anvyst

How to design API

This talk goes back to 2007, but still valid. Especially in this hype moment of Headless CMS apps popping up every single day, providing its own vision of Content Delivery API’s.

October 26, 2019 · 1 min · anvyst

Mental models: Qantas Flight 32 Documentary

That moment is really the turning point,” Barbara Burian, a research psychologist at NASA who has studied Qantas Flight 32, told me. “Most of the time, when information overload occurs, we’re not aware it’s happening—and that’s why it’s so dangerous. So really good pilots push themselves to do a lot of ‘what if’ exercises before an event, running through scenarios in their heads. That way, when an emergency happens, they have models they can use....

August 15, 2019 · 1 min · anvyst

Why working from home is good for business?

July 29, 2019 · 0 min · anvyst

Ember.js: Documentary

Honeypot filmed a great documentary on Ember.js and the story of its development. Brings up so many good memories from 2016. Back then, I was taking up by an ambitious task of re-writing the checkout service of the company I used work in, from plain PHP with monstrous AJAX spaghetti code, to something more stable, and consistent. Seeing a pure MVC architecture in JS framework was a real surprise for me, as most of the codebase I faced back then, didn’t have any structure....

July 24, 2019 · 1 min · anvyst

Refactoring UI to Common UI Problems

July 1, 2019 · 0 min · anvyst

"Choose Life" from Trainspotting 2

In 90s Irvine Welsh published “Trainspotting”, that soon became a bestseller and was filmed by Danny Boyle. An anthem of punk subculture, and anarchy portrayed by Ewan McGregor and Jonny Lee Miller following great cast. 20 years later, the story got its continuation in “T2: Trainspotting”. Same characters, 20 years older, and somewhat wiser, facing pretty much same problems and unresolved conflicts. One of the famous monologues from the first movie intro puts an end to what life film characters have chosen:

December 19, 2018 · 1 min · anvyst

"The mess we are in" by Joe Armstrong

Great talk from Joe Armstrong on how they created Erlang, and how Programming community looked back in the days. Amazing, inspiring, worth watching:

December 10, 2018 · 1 min · anvyst

Birth & Death of JavaScript

Absolutely brilliant talk from Gary Bernhardt about JavaScript. Appearance of asm.js and all the low-level fun, that was going on in 2000’s. This science fiction / comedy / absurdist / completely serious talk traces the history of JavaScript, and programming in general, from 1995 until 2035. It’s not pro- or anti-JavaScript; the language’s flaws are discussed frankly, but its ultimate impact on the industry is tremendously positive. For Gary’s more serious (and less futuristic) thoughts on programming, try some Destroy All Software screencasts....

December 10, 2018 · 1 min · anvyst

It's my 90s

3 years ago, I wrote about this great video from Vimeo user MorskoiKotik. This time it’s a throwback to 90s nostalgia:

December 8, 2018 · 1 min · anvyst