Ember.js: Documentary

Honeypot filmed a great documentary on Ember.js and the story of its development. Brings up so many good memories from 2016. Back then, I was taking up by an ambitious task of re-writing the checkout service of the company I used work in, from plain PHP with monstrous AJAX spaghetti code, to something more stable, and consistent. Seeing a pure MVC architecture in JS framework was a real surprise for me, as most of the codebase I faced back then, didn’t have any structure....

July 24, 2019 · 1 min · anvyst

JSData as ember-data alternative

Weekends are normally for RnD time, so this weekend’s topic - standardisation of front/backend communication. Considering backend as API-only and fully offloading the rendering part to JavaScript frameworks, EmberJS had a really nice concept of ember-data that acted in between rendering components and backend objects received via API. JSData can be an alternative to this: SData is a framework-agnostic, datastore-agnostic ORM (Object-Relational Mapper) for Node.js and the Browser. Adapters allow JSData to connect to various data sources such as Firebase, MySql, MongoDB, REST API, etc....

September 3, 2017 · 1 min · anvyst

EmberJS: JCF with components

JavaScript Custom Form elements is a useful jQuery plugin for customising your form elements, in case you have to get away from the default styling of the form elements. However, there’s a tiny “but” with the plugin when you use it with EmberJS. JCF initially designed to be used on the global scope, and in some case (like mine), it’s not what you need. If you’re using custom select-element with JCF without JCF....

August 22, 2016 · 2 min · anvyst