Working with lots of projects at the same time in, I started to get confused on which branch I’m currently working.
Going back to the terminal, to check the diffs and commits, became a time waste in my daily routine, so I took a break during lunch, to get my vim plugins an upgrade. The catch of the day is the following:
Vim-Airline is a powerful status/tabline facelift of a default statusline with lots of customizations, and useful information on the files you work with. It nicely fits solarized theme, has color shift on different modes:
Vim-gitgutter - is currently my favorite. The plugin identifies on-the-fly differences in the files you’re working in.
And last, but not the least for today - git wrapper for vim - vim-fugitive. It comes very useful with its set of git commands that you can access directly from vim, for example:
- now you can blame yourself in all the bugs:Gstatus
- what’s the status?:Gbrowse
- redirects you to repositories file in github/bitbucket:Gcommit
- let the fun begin
And just to complete the list of cools stuff, I must mention tagbar, that I’ve been using for long time, and its phpctags addon, that can make your life easier with better PHP support.
To summarize it all, a bit of editors fun from Twitter:
Comparison of Vim, Emacs, Nano
— Unix tool tip (@UnixToolTip) January 8, 2016