JavaScript: shooting yourself in the foot with configs once again

I’m not the only one blown away after digging up some of React/Redux boilerplate code. Great article proving some of my thoughts on the subject: ** Copy-pasting configs from boilerplate projects always leads to hard-to-debug issues like this.** It’s easy to miss somebody’s configuration decisions when you’re not the one making them. Don’t use boilerplate projects unless you understand each and every technology it uses! I understand Dan’s frustration. But could we look at this from a different perspective?...

May 12, 2016 · 1 min · anvyst

Electron: built desktop apps in JavaScript

Electron allows you to build desktop applications with web technologies like HTML, JavaScript and CSS. Among the early adopters of Electron, you can see these names: Atom Harmony music player Discord chat app GitHub Desktop

May 12, 2016 · 1 min · anvyst

JavaScript Regexp 101.

Great article on JavaScript Regular expressions from 2014.

August 18, 2014 · 1 min · anvyst