Migrating to Fozzy.com: finale

I finally accomplished my migration to Fozzy.com, taking in account domain transfers and all required procedures. Just for doing some benchmarking, but overall - everything is tuned and migrated smoothly. First impressions are super-positive. It’s fast, really fast, even though I haven’t tried our free CDN network. Couple of glitches were found in the Control Panel of Fozzy billing, which I added in the backlog, and will try to resolve soon....

January 2, 2014 · 1 min · anvyst

Ruby Sinatra in less than 999B of code

%w.rack tilt date INT TERM..map{|l|trap(l){$r.stop}rescue require l};$u=Date;$z=($u.new.year + 145).abs;puts "== Almost Sinatra/No Version has taken the stage on #$z for development with backup from Webrick" $n=Module.new{extend Rack;a,D,S,q=Rack::Builder.new,Object.method(:define_method),/@@ *([^\n]+)\n(((?!@@)[^\n]*\n)*)/m %w[get post put delete].map{|m|D.(m){|u,&b|a.map(u){run->(e){[200,{"Content-Type"=>"text/html"},[a.instance_eval(&b)]]}}}} Tilt.mappings.map{|k,v|D.(k){|n,*o|$t||=(h=$u._jisx0301("hash, please");File.read(caller[0][/^[^:]+/]).scan(S){|a,b|h[a]=b};h);v[0].new(*o){n=="#{n}"?n:$t[n.to_s]}.render(a,o[0].try(:[],:locals)||{})}} %w[set enable disable configure helpers use register].map{|m|D.(m){|*_,&b|b.try :[]}};END{Rack::Handler.get("webrick").run(a,Port:$z){|s|$r=s}} %w[params session].map{|m|D.(m){q.send m}};a.use Rack::Session::Cookie;a.use Rack::Lock;D.(:before){|&b|a.use Rack::Config,&b};before{|e|q=Rack::Request.new e;q.params.dup.map{|k,v|params[k.to_sym]=v}}} That’s a wow! That’s what I call a minimal Web Framework. Full description of the code can be found here.

December 20, 2013 · 1 min · anvyst

Future of PHP and HHVM buzz

Input Processing and sanitize (GET/POST/COOKIE) Session Management Database Access without surprises Syntactic sugar for callbacks Template processing XML, HTML, JSON processing These are stuff that PHP should already have in some kind of fast internal c code, but it simply fails to deliver. Frameworks fill the gap. If HHVM provides substantial better alternatives and people use HHVM then Frameworks will use these extensions. Framework code is already filled with edge case handling for different PHP Versions, adding a case for HHVM isn’t a problem....

December 19, 2013 · 1 min · anvyst

Guess when I took vacations this year?

I’d say, Sundays and summer vacation - were the laziest days. Not a single commit was given on those days!:)

November 14, 2013 · 1 min · anvyst

Githubs, emails, inboxes

One thing I find a bit annoying (annoying?), is participating in different GitHub projects which are mostly developed overseas. Every morning you get bunch of emails you go through on topics already discussed and fixed. Is there a timezone settings for email notifications for GitHub, or should I simply change a place of living to comply with their timezone?

November 14, 2013 · 1 min · anvyst

WHMCS: IPv6 issues

I suspect that input filtering is being done on ALL the variables at the moment of initialization now, and that an IPv6 address containing colons : is being wiped from the server array. This would explain no IP address being returned back to the client.(c) It seems that WHMCS has problems using Whitelists/API restrictions. It can’t digest IPv6 addresses. Pity, as IPv6 are next door and hosting industry is quite sensible for this issue....

November 12, 2013 · 1 min · anvyst

I'm back!

Unfortunately, RAID controller failure crushed everything I had on this VPS. So I’ll start everything from scratch. Few posts I lost I do regret, but in overall, this time things should get better, and more organised…or not! Stay tuned ;)

November 8, 2013 · 1 min · anvyst