SRE: Free Books from Google

O’Reilly Publishing and Google giving out online versions (or buy it from Google Books) of their publications on Site Reliability Engineering. Members of the SRE team explain how their engagement with the entire software lifecycle has enabled Google to build, deploy, monitor, and maintain some of the largest software systems in the world.

April 9, 2020 · 1 min · anvyst - Master Algorithms

January 28, 2020 · 0 min · anvyst

320 theme collections from Rainglow

Rainglow published a great collection of editor themes, available for vim, Atom, sublime, XCode, etc. Darkside Theme sample

December 8, 2018 · 1 min · anvyst

ES2015: Refresher on modern JavaScript

A quick lookup on modern JavaScript and whole Babel thing. This will be a start of a small research on splitting frontend and backend implementation for CakePHP framework and its plugin. Babel JS: ES2015 ES6: Features Webpack - Confusing Parts Babel JS: Loaders & Plugins Jest for Webpack * “Getting started with Babel” from John Arstingstall CakePHP and Webpack plugin

June 22, 2017 · 1 min · anvyst

World's Best Hikes: 20 Hikers' Dream Trails - National Geographic

National Geography publishes world’s best 20 hikes: France, Italy, Switzerland. Definitely the places to visit for hiking.

October 27, 2016 · 1 min · anvyst

Chronos: CakePHP replacement for carbon

Chronos is a drop-in library replacement for nesbot/carbon. It provides immutable date/datetime objects. Immutable objects help us to ensure, that DateTime objects aren’t accidentally modified. <?php<br>require 'vendor/autoload.php';<br>use Cake\Chronos\Chronos;<br>printf("Now: %s", Chronos::now());<br>?>

August 23, 2016 · 1 min · anvyst

Shortest explanation of Marketing

The first step is to invent a thing worth making, a story worth telling, a contribution worth talking about. The second step is to design and build it in a way that people will actually benefit from and care about. The third one is the one everyone gets all excited about. This is the step where you tell the story to the right people in the right way. The last step is so often overlooked: The part where you show up, regularly, consistently and generously, for years and years, to organize and lead and build confidence in the change you seek to make....

August 23, 2016 · 1 min · anvyst

How many seconds a day have?

Pretty neat example of how you shouldn’t calculate days/weeks from Swizec Teller. If you think that day is equal 60 * 60 *24 seconds - this post’s for you. Thanks to the wonder that is daylight savings time (DST), we have a day that’s only 23 hours long. We also have a day that’s 25 hours long. Then, every few years, we have a day that’s 86,401 seconds long. In theory, we could even have a day that’s 86,399 seconds long....

November 23, 2015 · 1 min · anvyst

Bored with your free time?

This tweet had to land here without any doubts, as those who maintained open-source projects know the drill. Bored with your free time? Had enough of people being nice to you? Masochist? Maintain a popular open source project. — I Am Devloper (@iamdevloper) January 27, 2015 In case this tweet disappears, or something happens in far far future:

March 1, 2015 · 1 min · anvyst

Fedy - tweaking your Fedora

Fedy lets you install multimedia codecs and additional software that Fedora doesn’t want to ship, like mp3 support, Adobe Flash, Oracle Java etc. Soon, soon I’ll get back to Linux, but for now, this link remains here. dnf install$(rpm -E %fedora)/RPMS/fedy-release.rpm dnf install$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm dnf install fedy

October 20, 2014 · 1 min · anvyst