I’m not the only one blown away after digging up some of React/Redux boilerplate code. Great article proving some of my thoughts on the subject:
** Copy-pasting configs from boilerplate projects always leads to hard-to-debug issues like this.** It’s easy to miss somebody’s configuration decisions when you’re not the one making them. Don’t use boilerplate projects unless you understand each and every technology it uses!
I understand Dan’s frustration. But could we look at this from a different perspective? Don Norman’s The Design of Everyday Things teaches that there’s no such thing as “user error” — humans always make mistakes, and the failure to deal with these is on the product, not the user. How would we approach these user errors if we looked at them as design failures?
Yet another justification of “convention over configuration” and the reason of choosing EmberJS at the given time. Sorry React, not now, maybe a bit later.